Thursday, April 22, 2010

You're where my book begins

It still feels the same whenever I read it,
fresh as it is.

friendship when it all started,

know not what future may bring,
hardships together we shared,
hearts slowly meet a longing.

i remember the first time,
i looked into your eyes,
the feelings made me
feel like there heaven in the skies.

your feelings i dare not rate,
moves i afraid to make,
chances i scared to take,
losing you is what i hate.

everyday heartache felt,
not knowing how you feel,
my heart for you it melts,
my feelings for you are truly real.

you are what i always seek,
regret i would not want,
chances taken in meek,
you are all that i really want.

you are always in my eyes,
feelings at heart it lies,
courage built and arise,
holding hands is when it ties.

you, the one i care,
love, floating in the air,
moments, together we share,
my love for you, will forever be there.

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